Wednesday, February 3, 2010


I am from Texas. North Texas. We freak out when it snows, let alone when snow sticks. This year, it snowed on Christmas Eve in Dallas and stuck (less than .5") the next morning, so we had a White Christmas. My favorite mug and Elvis enjoyed it:

Last weekend, though, it SNOWED in Nashville. I mean, because I'm a Texan, I felt like I was in a blizzard. We're talking 4-5" of snow. Snow that you can pack into a little ball and throw at someone. Snow that you can turn into an actual life-size snowman.

I'm dreaming of a white campus...

This was just the beginning (around noon last Friday). It kept snowing through the night. People sledded down the huge street next to the parking garage, going off ramps and injuring their tailbones for years to come (unbeknown to them, as they weren't really feeling anything at the time...).

On Saturday, I went to downtown Franklin, a little cute city right outside of Nashville, with Lindsay, Thomas, and Nichole. Although most the stores were closed due to the icy roads us southerners don't know how to handle, it was great to see the town covered in snow.

It's funny that we were in New York a few weeks ago and the weather was relatively warm when we expected it to miserable. Now that we're back here in Nashville the biggest snow storm in years hits (and it's supposed to snow again this weekend)!

"[Nashville] looks lovely in the winter time -
all the sidewalks are white as snow..."
-Much Farther to Go, Rosie Thomas
(original lyrics say New York instead of Nashville)

cherish the snow!



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